Location: Netherlands

Date of publication:

Focus Areas: Enable, Energy.Transform., Infrastructure.Extend.

An Electric Vehicle Charger Directly Connected to the Trolleygrid

Public transport infrastructure have the potential to cater to far more loads than only their own vehicles. One example of this is the feeding of electric vehicle chargers (EV chargers).

Coupling EV chargers to the existing transport grid reduces the need for a separate infrastructure, which translates to lower costs and less disturbance to the community with underground construction works.

Furthermore, since EV batteries and the transport grids are DC grids, the charging becomes more efficient by avoiding the costs and the losses of an added AC/DC converter.

Finally, by connecting the EV charger directly to the DC supply line of a transport grid (overhead cable or third rail), some of the EV charging can come from the frequently-wasted braking energy of the transport vehicles.

The photo shows the image of two 13kW chargers connected to the trolleygrid of Arnhem, The Netherlands, near the Oosterbeek area. The chargers are developed by the Arnhem-based Venema Tech.

Development plans are currently underway for these breakthrough high-power chargers, which have a potential of expanding the purpose, character, functionality and usability of electric public transport grids forever