Location: Netherlands

Date of publication: January 2020

Focus Areas:

25kW DC/DC Charger Module for Connecting EV Chargers to Traction Grids

Based on years of experience PRE has developed a standard 30kW Modular Isolated Power Concept designed for multiple charging posts. What is important is that the input of the module can tolerate the severe voltage drops seen in a traction grid, by operating between 400 – 900V, with no defects up to 1400Vdc for 5 seconds. The Output of the Charger Module can be switched in parallel and in series for systems up to 1000V. This gives the module the possibility to respond to any EV charger voltage demand.  The Charger Module shows high efficiency in its overall performance.

This charging module can be stacked to create a charge up to 360kW (12 modules) in a single cabin. This module can become the building block in traction-grid-connected EV chargers.

These EV chargers allow for the charging or e-cars from existing (and underutilized) traction grid infrastructures and thus help avoid the costly construction of new, dedicated infrastructures. This solution has benefits also in terms of energy savings by allowing the charger to harvest the regenerative braking energy from the traction grids, and thereby reduce the energy consumption levels of both systems.