Study on Shared PV System Between Residential and Traction Grids


Publication Date: 2024-12-10

Topic: {{brizy_dc_post_tax_topic}}

Country: International, Netherlands

Competence Area: {{brizy_dc_post_tax_competence}}

Previous works in the literature have proven that, at best, bout 40% of the energy generated by a solar PV system is used by the traction grid it is connected to. This is because of the severe generation and load mismatch caused by the transport timetables which mean that there […]

Dutch Trams running on solar power transported directly to the overhead lines


Publication Date: 2024-12-10

Topic: {{brizy_dc_post_tax_topic}}

Country: Netherlands

Competence Area: {{brizy_dc_post_tax_competence}}

Strukton created a unique connection between the eco solar park ‘t Oor in The Hague (NL) and the power grid of regional operator HTM. This allows tram lines 3 and 4 to run on solar power. There are 4,700 solar panels installed, producing over 1.4 Gigawatt hours per year for […]

Arnhem Extends its Trolleygrid to Intercity Transport by Trolley2.0 Buses


Publication Date: 2024-12-10

Topic: {{brizy_dc_post_tax_topic}}

Country: Netherlands

Competence Area: {{brizy_dc_post_tax_competence}}

Trolleybus line 352 is an express In Motion Charged (IMC) trolleybus service that runs between the Dutch cities of Arnhem and Wageningen. Arnhem has introduced the new IMC t-buses that can use the existing trolleygrid catenary to charge the t-bus batteries. This means that these state-of-the-art vehicles can be disconnected […]

An Electric Vehicle Charger Directly Connected to the Trolleygrid


Publication Date: 2024-12-10

Topic: {{brizy_dc_post_tax_topic}}

Country: Netherlands

Competence Area: {{brizy_dc_post_tax_competence}}

Public transport infrastructure have the potential to cater to far more loads than only their own vehicles. One example of this is the feeding of electric vehicle chargers (EV chargers). Coupling EV chargers to the existing transport grid reduces the need for a separate infrastructure, which translates to lower costs […]